Two years ago INKuLtur came to Armenia

The INKuLtur-Programme has started in Armenia in the Summer 2021 with the series of seminars for representatives of cultural institutions and NGOs on inclusion, In 2022 the programme continued with the project named  “INKuLtur – for inclusion and participation in cultural life”. The project’s main goal? “Standing up together for cultural and social diversity.”

Within the framework of the project, seminars and practical training were conducted for 15 representatives from cultural institutions in Armenia. The main objective of these sessions was to enhance the accessibility of museums, libraries, and theaters for individuals with disabilities.

The role and potential of the Pedagogical University were also important in the implementation of the project. Marianna Harutyunyan, the vice-rector for staff and international affairs of ASPU, a candidate of pedagogical sciences and an associate professor, was involved as the main speaker.

The range of issues presented by Ms. Harutyunyan and the project officer of the “Agat” Center for the Protection of the Rights of Women with Disabilities, Gayane Grigoryan, included several important topics. These encompassed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its application in Armenia, perspectives on inclusion in a cultural context, proper treatment of and communication with persons with disabilities, creating a welcoming environment for inclusive events, and working with a small budget.

During the two-year educational programme for multipliers, there were online meetings with well-known international specialists in the field, a tour of German cultural institutions, and other events. These activities aimed to raise awareness, promote the creation of national and international partnership networks, activate various activities, and strengthen ties.

After mastering basic skills, the participants presented a number of proposals within the program’s framework to present to the donors.

The topic of the project proposal by Alvard Grigoryan, Director of the Pedagogical University History Museum, is “Museum Adaptation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Visitors.” This project will be implemented in the ASPU History Museum in collaboration with professors and students from the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education.

At the end of the programme, the participants emphasized the high level of professionalism and efficiency in their approach. They noted that this is just the beginning of their journey towards solving such important problems for both society and the state.

This article was written by Alvard Grigoryan, Director of the Pedagogical University History Museum.

The project was implemented in Armenia by Caritas-Aregak Foundation.

The programme INKuLturFor Inclusion and Participation in Сultural Life is implemented by Dialogue for Understanding e.V. together with Eastern Partnership countries funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.