Study trip to Berlin for multipliers from Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine
20 representatives of different cultural institutions and NGOs from Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine came to Berlin for a study visit to learn how inclusion and accessibility work in berlin-based institutions.
During their stay from 10th to 15th of October participants visited State Museums of Berlin, where they got a Presentation of the project “Ready.Steady.Go – Inclusive Museums!”, which is part of the Special Olympics World Games 2023 in Berlin. They also got to visit German Historical Museum and its inclusive exhibition „Citizenships. France, Poland, Germany since 1789“.
During the visits to the private inclusive Theatre RambaZamba, Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe, German Opera, America Memorial Library as well as to Project MINA – Living in Diversity the participants were able to get a good overview about different methods and practices of inclusive offers in public spaces.
The participants had also the opportunity to visit the Berlin House of the Representatives and also got a guided tour of the Reichstag building by André Nowak, who represents the INKuLtur partner organisation ABiD.
The main aim of this study visit was to give the participants an opportunity to get an exchange of experiences in the field of inclusion and providing the participants with the tools needed to ensure inclusive offers. But also, to get a lot of new ideas how inclusive support services for people with disabilities should operate in cultural institutions.
The study trip, from 10th to 15th of October 2022, was organised by Dialogue for Understanding e.V. as part of the INKuLtur Programme with financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office.