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– For Inclusive Culture

People with disabilities encounter barriers in many everyday situations that make equal access in society difficult if not impossible. These affect wheelchair users, people with hearing or visual impairments, as well as people with intellectual and other disabilities on different levels. And inclusive culture helps to change this because inclusion means that everyone is valued.

Creating an inclusive culture requires first removal of barriers and acceptance of differences in backgrounds and experiences.

With our international programme „INKuLtur – For Inclusive Culture” we aim to create an environment that makes inclusion a priority!

Our Materials

An image of a book stylised to look like a child's drawing

Dictionary of Culture in Easy to Understand

As part of the INKuLtur programme, experts in accessible language from the Project “Buro CH” („Бюро Ч“), Sprachprofis GmbH and Lebenshilfe Hattingen together with the representatives of cultural institutions, created a “Dictionary of Culture in Accessible Language”. The dictionary is currently available in German and Russian.


Policy Paper for Cultural Institutions

The aim of this policy paper is to show you how you can involve and include disabled people as experts at all levels of your cultural institution. We would like to encourage you to promote inclusion by outlining measures for successful collaboration and cooperation.

A cameraman films an interview with an expert in a museum with a painting in the background

Video Course “Interactive Inclusion”

For this tutorial, ten experts from the field of inclusion and culture talk about their professional and personal experiences in nine videos and give suggestions on necessary and desirable measures for greater accessibility in museums.


INKuLtur Highlights 2023

The INkuLtur Programme Highlights in 2023 Another memorable and eventful year has come to an end and with it one of our projects, "INKuLtur - For Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Life". It's time to take a look at what events organised by our partners and the INKuLtur [...]

Online Moderated Discussion “Exchange of International Experience in Organizing Shelters for Internally Displaced Persons with Disabilities”

Online Moderated Discussion "Exchange of International Experience in Organizing Shelters for Internally Displaced Persons with Disabilities"     As the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) with disabilities continues to grow across the Ukraine, the accessibility of emergency and accommodation shelters has become ever more critical in guiding [...]

Inclusion questions what is “normal”. Interview with inclusion expert Dirk Sorge

Inclusion questions what is "normal". Interview with inclusion expert Dirk Sorge The interview was conducted in German as part of a collaboration between the INKuLtur program and Berlinklusion, represented by Dirk Sorge, in April 2021, and then translated into English. Dirk Sorge works as an artist and cultural [...]

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