Written and Visual Language
with Judyta Smykowski and Andi Weiland
Do you talk in stereotypes? If the answer to this question is “I’m not sure” (or even “yes”), get a crash course in sensitive and stereotype-free (figurative) language in this video by Judyta Smykowski and Andi Weiland from the non-profit association Sozialhelden e.V.. How do you correctly address a person with a particular disability? Which realistic images of people with disabilities should ideally be used on websites, in print and online media? And which wordings should clearly be eliminated once and for all?
Course materials for download:
Info and Links Judyta Smykowski & Andi Weiland (PDF)
Meet our experts

Judyta Smykowski is the editor of the online magazine and podcast “Die Neue Norm” as well as the editor of Leidmedien.de of Sozialhelden e.V.. As part of her work, she advises cultural institutions on diversity in wording and programmes and on barrierfree access.
Andi Weiland is the project manager of Gesellschaftsbilder.de and creates much of the (social) media content at Sozialhelden e.V. in Berlin. In addition to this work, he is a freelance photographer – an area, too, in which he tries to visually convey people’s stories through portraits and reportages.

Andi Weiland is the project manager of Gesellschaftsbilder.de and creates much of the (social) media content at Sozialhelden e.V. in Berlin. In addition to this work, he is a freelance photographer – an area, too, in which he tries to visually convey people’s stories through portraits and reportages.

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