Story of Tetiana and her father Leonid from Kyiv
“Without trust, nothing is possible” The story of Tetiana and her father Leonid
The feeling of utter despair that overwhelmed Tetiana on February 24, 2022, is impossible to forget. After all, her dearest ones – her mother, father and grandmother, who was 93 years old at the time – remained in her native Kyiv, where Russian troops were breaking through.
How to save them? Who can help? After dozens of hours without sleep, constant calls searching, she was given the contacts of the actors of the Theater on the Left Bank, who agreed to help her find wheelchairs, to get her father, who has Parkinsons´s disease, out of her mother´s house, now able to get to the train station and on the evacuation train with her father and grandmother.
Watch more about the family’s life today and why Tetiana’s relatives are being discriminated against in the video.
Concept and Direction – Carina Spreitzer
Production – Austausch e.V. | dim filmhouse | Daria Lukashenko
Lead production dimfilmhouse – Eric Holland
Lead production Austausch e.V. – Nataliia Zviagintseva
Camera and Sound Germany – Andrej Matalyha
Camera and Sound Ukraine – Tetiana Dorodnitsyna
Postproduction Coordination – Carina Spreitzer
Cut – Anastasiia Lukova
Colour Correction and Grading – Oleksandr Shuklin
Sounddesign and Master – Marcos Leiro
Music – Marcos Leiro
Subtitles – Nataliia Zviagintseva | Carina Spreitzer
Sign language – Iryna Ternova
Dubbing to Ukrainian – Natalka Sopit and Kyrylo Bondarenko
Set-Runner Germany – Nikita Znak
Set-Runner Ukraine – Borys Viktiuk
This video was produced within the project “Barrier-free Safety for People with Disabilities”, which is the part of INKuLtur-Programme implemented by Austausch e.V. together with Eastern Partnership countries funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.