Access Management in Museums with Annalena Knors

Diversity and inclusion: two terms whose relevance is slowly gaining ground in the arts and culture sector. But how does a person’s disability affect a museum visit? How can the goal of „a museum for all“ come closer to reality? In her professional capacity, Annalena Knors strongly advises focusing on the audience and seeking dialogue with them. The museum consultant explains exactly what this means – and how a visit to a museum can be an enjoyable and sensual experience for every visitor.

Course materials for download:
Info and Links Analena Knors (PDF)

Meet our expert

Annalena Knors works as a freelance museum consultant and mediator. In 2017, she founded “Corporate Inclusion” and focuses on holistic access concepts both in front of and behind the scenes of museums. Through process guidance, she translates the cultural policy visions “for all” and “with all” into a custom-fit, strategic and lasting cross-sectional task.

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